Monday, April 24, 2006 |
Sister Robin |
Our Next "Mom's Who Blog" favorite is Sister Robin. A young, inspiring young Christian woman, wife and mother whom I admire greatly. I adore her not for her perfect ways but for her "all so real" experiences and willingness to remind other like minded women - how life on this blue spinning planet, isn't "heaven on earth" just yet.
Sure we have happy moments, giggles and laughs, but for each of these we all share concerns, worries and heartaches. Ooops, did I forget to mention "responsibilities?" Mother's have a variety of responsibilities, from the small ones such as doing dishes, laundry and preparing bubble baths to the much bigger responsibilities such as raising, guiding and protecting our children from this mean ole' planet and it's evils.
If you're a married Mom, add MORE responsibilities. If you are a Mom in College - add even more!
For a busy Mom there are many times when there isn't anyone to talk to who listens. Blogging offers an outlet for our rants and experiences. It's a journal of sorts, sharing and encouraging other Mother's that they are not alone in the best of times as well as the bad. For this openness, sincerity and willingness to share I offer Sister Robin the "Mix Pix Award".
Keep on Swimming girlfriend! -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 1:19 PM   |