Wednesday, August 16, 2006 |
"You have reached the end of the Internet."
For our first Twisted Blog award allow me to introduce you to Doctor Chip. The Doc is in and trust me he is truly unbalanced and totally twisted. A warning for those with weak hearts and bad backs, you must be at least an 8 on the Twisted Scale to ride this ride.
From Monster Seeing Eye Boobages to our feature photo here of an indoor kiddie playground, expect to find all that is unexpected. Sharing photos from the unbelievably stupid to the outlandishly gross you wouldn't believe the graphics this guy has on files until you go and take a peek at them. Amazing and yes, indeed TWISTED!
Perhaps you can only handle so much twisted stuff to view within your week. If so, stop by and visit Doctor Chip on Sunday for his "Sunday Big Blog". A wide array of fun photos and inspirations to make you sit back and think. What you think about is totally up to you and quite revealing on how Twisted you really are.
Congratulations to Donald James Simpson of Unbalanced for our first Mix Pix Twisted Blog Award. Keep on twisting Dude! -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 6:53 PM   |
Sunday, August 13, 2006 |
Mix-Pix TWISTED Blog Awards |
Is your Weblog what some may call "Twisted"? Perhaps you are the next up and coming Comedian. Maybe you have been Certified a Looney. Either way I challenge you to shock us and make us laugh.
To Enter the Contest or to nominate a site, simply fill out the form in the sidebar or send me an email at Margiemix at Please be sure to include the web address to the blog being submitted. Entrees will be judged according to how TWISTED your Blog is!
Contest ends: "Sunday - September 10, 2006."
Winners will be given a "Mix Pix Twisted-Blog Award" and recognition here and throughout the blogosphere. All encouraged to apply! |
posted by Margaret @ 2:19 PM   |
Mix Pix Foodie-Blog Award Winners |
Congratulations to all of our Foodie-Blog Award Winners!
Thank you to all who participated and delightful culinary genre' that you all bring to the Blogosphere Table! -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 1:36 PM   |
Saturday, August 12, 2006 |
Interview with Sweetnicks |
For as long as I can remember, I have loved writing and yearned to be a food journalist when I grew up. When I moved out on my own for the first time, I discovered a second passion ... cooking. Now, many years later, I still have a love for both and started my site, Sweetnicks, in an effort to combine them.
What are New (to Me) Blogger on the Block Thursdays?
Now, "new" doesn't necessarily mean they're new, just new to me. The food blogging community is a wonderfully supportive group, and they provide great inspiration, advice, ideas and motivation constantly. Often times, I'm so busy working on my own blog, that I don't get enough time to surf around to see any new food bloggers that might have popped up, and it's a community growing by leaps and bounds. So by doing this event regularly, it serves two purposes: 1) It's a reminder to go check out my fellow food bloggers and 2) It will highlight a fun new one for you guys.
What is ARF/5-A-Day Tuesday?
Simple. Just my little way of keeping healthier eating in check. Every Tuesday, food bloggers who made a recipe that includes an ARF (Antioxidant Rich Food), fruit, veggie or any combination of the three can be included in my ARF/5-A-Day Tuesday evening round-up. The recipe doesn't necessarily have to have been made that day. Just e-mail me your permalink by 9 pm EST on Tuesday to be included, and post a link to my site in your post on your site, so your readers can get a chance to check out the round-up as well. Lastly, one lucky participant gets the coveted photo op of the week. All designed to keep us eating healthy and inspire us with new recipes and ideas. Hope you join in!
Congratulations to Sweetnicks our next Mix Pix Foodie Blog Award winner. For something new and something sweet, be sure to stop by and say hello! -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 7:25 PM   |
Tuesday, August 08, 2006 |
Laura Rebecca's Kitchen |
"What I miss most about NYC is the food. Around every corner, a gem of a restaurant waited to be discovered. And any type of food you wanted -- Italian, Jewish, Thai, Japanese, Indian -- was just a phone call or subway ride away. New York is the UN of cuisine.
I also miss taking classes at the Institute of Culinary Education, where I devoted myself to leisurely hours cooking. Chocolate, pastries, pastas, meats, souffles: all good stuff. Mmmm, those were the days."
Meet Laura Rebecca from the Finger Lakes Region in New York State and come see what's cooking! Currently this week she is featuring Simply Summer; simple recipes taking advantage of summer's bounty. A great refreshing start with some Raspberry Blackberry Crumb Jumbles. So delicious!
Then on to some refreshing mixed drink recipes and one in particular that captured my fancy is the feature photo here of Turkey Corn Chili. It looks so fabulous I can practically smell it through my monitor and what a wonderful light way to enjoy a rib sticking meal in the midst of summer. The Turkey works perfectly.
Her archives feature delightful holiday recipes and oh my goodness, even a recipe for Doggie Bisquits! I know for certain my two little guys would adore these fresh from the oven treats.
Congratulations Laura Rebecca, for being our next Mix Pix Foodie-Blog award winner! |
posted by Margaret @ 10:34 PM   |
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 |
Bay Area Burgers |
Whoever loves Burgers raise your hand! For our next Mix Pix Foodie-blog winner take a peek over at Bay Area Burgers. If you live in the Oakland, CA area or are planning to visit San Francisco - here is your first stop for an awesome Burger Tour.
You can count on the straight up 411 when it comes to a good burger vs. bad burger. This blogger shares his utter disappointments as well as his beefy-licious finds. The Spazio Burger may leave you feeling flat and lunch at the Burger Joint could leave a person with cotton mouth because it is so dry.
Be certain to check out Luka's Sunday Soul Brunch and enjoy the rare burger that is so alive, I fear it may moooove off the plate. Just joking and a bad groaner joke at that, but a delicious burger photo and tasty blog experience.
However, speaking of groaning my tummy is growling like there is no tomorrow after reading this blogger's review on My Big Ass (Burger) from Brickhouse Cafe & Bar. You will so enjoy reading this post as well as the others that you'll be left full and plenty satisfied.
Congratulations to Bay Area Burgers for having an Award Winning Foodie-Blog! I'm off to Hardee's for some Angus Beef! |
posted by Margaret @ 7:18 PM   |