Wednesday, April 26, 2006 |
Mama Drama |
This Blog features a group of five Mommies, teaming up together to offer sound, encouraging and humorous prospectives concerning the trials of Motherhood. Their children range in age from newborns to teenagers; offering up a little something for every Mom who visits this site.
They share everything from "sweeping swooning teenagers off their porch-steps", mopping up spills and sleepless nights of worries and concerns. Teamwork at it's finest, with five creative, caring, intelligent and cultured Moms to help guide us through the worst of times and smile with the best.
As for the blog design, they seem to be on a typical local host that probably doesn't offer the quirks, smirks and 'my-space' goodies that many other blogging hosts offer. However, it's professional - clean and up-front. Searching the sidebar and archives is simple and there is a minimal commercial use of this site. No 'pop-up' ads either, which is a great thing for me. 'Pop-Up's" wig me out. It's an old "Jack-in-the-box" phobia... don't ask me to explain it, my story may give you nightmares.
Overall, beautiful teamwork - and very entertaining writing styles all come together and make this site work. I really enjoyed reading this one. -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 9:16 PM   |