"A Little Piece of the World ...shown in an occasional photo or haiku."
Introducing Faustina at A Little Piece of the World. Faustina lives in a rural part of Georgia in the United States. Here is where she shares pictures and haiku of everyday things in her little piece of the world..
Her gallery of black and whites are astounding and her talent of editing is perfected in this gorgeous photoblog of people, places and things. In particular I love her gallery of Sky Photos, but of course - I adore cloudage and here she captures a few magical heavenly scenery that will leave her readers in awe.
Her poetry through haiku shared here corresponds with the photograph she is sharing and is excellently written. Expressing her emotions and the photo's character in just a few short syllables.
A big hurray to Faustina for being our next Mix-Pix Award winner! Thank you for sharing your inspirations with us all. -Mix