For those of you who don't know me - I'm what they consider a "Yankee" down here in the south. A "Damn Yankee" at that, for I visited - then went back to NJ only to rent a UHaul and move south. Southern Hospitality and Comfort tend to grow on a gal and before you know it - you are full of charm.
Dare I say this site is "reality" at it's finest. I also; left the laundry room yesterday afternoon empty - so what on God's green earth had happened since then? Buying Bras? You mean it is possible to do that as a Mom? This Mom has found a way....
...and has found a way to be nominated for a Mix-Pix-Award!
The Template is also sexy and fun. This Mom is "barefootin' it" Bloggy Style. I get a funny feeling this Mom literally "lassos" her kids in for suppertime, but hey... if it works, go for it!
This Mom is creative from her writing style and humor, to the solutions to the concerns of raising kids. Above all, she's lovin' them up... and letting them love life up. That's....