Thursday, June 29, 2006 |
Images!! by Norm Potter |
"Norm Potter of Lapeer, Michigan is a landscape photographer dealing in both color and black and white images. Norm built his first darkroom in 1960 and has been at it ever since. His images have been published in Newsweek, Life, Colliers, National Geographic and many other publications through the Black Star Agency."
For our next Mix Pix award meet Norm! I've been blessed to be an acquaintance of Norm for a few years now and know him not only as a wonderful photographer but as an awesome guy with a great sense of humor. You'll notice on his site that he hasn't "blogged" yet, but hang in there he will and we will all be blown off of our computer chairs when he does.
Most of Norm's work has been done in the United Kingdom and Ireland. He includes a bit of history and of his experience with each photo featured in his gallery. Of course, choosing a photograph to go along with this review has been a very difficult choice. This one I had chose because I admire Norm's ability and talent when working with lighting in his photography. He is amazing!
Congratulation to Norm for being a Mix Pix winner. Make sure to pay Norm a visit and tell him how wonderful he is. Thanks Norm. -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 11:23 AM   |
Rookie Photographer Gone Wild |
 "A rookie photographer determined to get better at it. Please take a minute and make a comment on one or two of my pictures. Tell me if you like or hate and why. I'm using a Canon S2 IS, Just a point and shoot."
Meet Timmybomb, an photoblogger from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. As many photobloggers he is very tough on his own critiques striving to capture that one perfect photo. Sound familiar? However just one look at these gorgeous shots I can definitely see his angle and am loving it!
With each photo this blogger shares his experiences and thoughts during the taking of the photo. "I don't do mornings" is all telling and the corresponding photo is a perfect image of the morning blues. Incredible!
His nature photos are spectacular and the cloudage supreme! I really like the way he's done up this review's feature photo, "Listen". It is truly amazing the photo opportunities available while waiting at a red light. Spontaneous, accidental shots - often turn out to be our most memorable.
Thank you Timmybomb for sharing your wonderful photography with us and being our next Mix Pix Award winner. Great shooting! Keep 'em coming. -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 10:51 AM   |
Wednesday, June 28, 2006 |
The Daily Sunrise |
The Daily Sunrise photoblog is owned by Azhar Chougle from Mumbai, India. An amateur photographer at the young age of 16 but don't let that fool you, these photos are terrific!
The gallery of photos is archived as well as categorized and you wouldn't want to miss a single one of them. From Creatures and cityscapes to flowers and people. Azhar also shares his experienced photographic tips in digital photography and in using photoshop features.
As a young photographic star in the rising I am sure we will be seeing more of Azhar in the future. He has what it takes to be an awesome photojournalist and it would be marvelous to see him capture the beautiful culture of India to share with the world.
Great award winning shots Azhar! Congratulations for winning our next Mix Pix Award! -Mix
posted by Margaret @ 10:50 PM   |
Monday, June 26, 2006 |
Foot before Foot:: The Photoblog |
Here's a delightful find in the blogosphere among photoblogs, "Foot before Foot: The Photoblog by Kwan". Gorgeous detail and an eye for nature's beauty that sometimes finds her instead of the other way around.
A simply delightful closeup of a bird's nest containing four delicate eggs and capturing the details of the different nesting materials used to shelter these soon-to-be hatchlings. I can hardly wait to see if she can capture their birthday!
Speaking of birds, be sure not to miss the amazing shot of a hummingbird! So fast and flighty, yet frozen in time as it sips from her hummingbird feeder. An amazing feat for I can barely catch a glimpse of my visiting hummers let alone a shot as amazing as these.
Be sure to search the archives for treasures hidden in the past. Thank you Kwan for sharing your wonderful stories, outlook and photos. You have uncovered many treasures and it has been a pleasure to review your photoblog. -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 9:18 AM   |
Sunday, June 25, 2006 |
My Life in Focus |
For our next Photoblog award be sure to visit Alice. A 36-year-old web designer and photographer from Louisville, KY.
"My dad sparked my interest in photography when I was young. When I was growing up, we had a darkroom in the house and I would hang out with my dad as he developed his photos. I remember being fascinated watching the whole process, but my favorite part was watching a blank piece of paper transform into a beautiful photo, as if by magic."
A wonderful beginning that has led to the wonderful and yet magical eyes of this photographer to capture these amazing photos of beauty and awe. From crisp and clear black & whites to color bursting flowers and nature.
"I started this website as a way to inspire myself to take time to do more photography. Rushing through each day, I started to realize there are so many wonderful sights that I often didn't take the time to enjoy. I figured by posting my photos, it would help remind me to slow down and enjoy the view and would also enable me to improve my skills and hopefully become a better photographer."
Be sure to slow down while surfing the blogosphere and stop by to enjoy the views photographed by Alice. -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 9:08 PM   |
Thursday, June 22, 2006 |
Tony's Blog |
Meet Tony from SW London, he began his love for art in painting but lately has found his artistic outlet in photography. One of the first photos that caught my eye while visiting Tony was a gorgeous summer solstice sunset! (Cloudage!)
Included also on the recent posts are some awesome architecture shots that are truly amazing. Some lovely wildflowers, peace lilies, giant water lilies and even a seemingly lost wallaby! (A resident of Kew Gardens of course.)
You must also search through Tony's previous archives from months earlier as you will certainly find many treasures and inspirations. Again, I am have difficulty deciding on a photo to include next to this review. These shots are incredible and so full of character. The diverse culture, life and seasons of Great Britain seem to jump right out and pull you in. Pulling you into the past, current and sometimes futuristic aspiring scenes that Tony has completely captured.
Thank you Tony for it has been a delight to review your Photoblog this morning and congratulations to our next Mix-Pix winner! -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 11:04 AM   |
Wednesday, June 21, 2006 |
Sometimes Photoblog |
"My photoblog shares photos I take each day. The subject matter is what I see each day."
A squirrel, bugs, butterflys, flowers - nature at it's finest when Steve get's behind his camera and starts clicking away. Some great shots of horny toads (the act of being not the species) and many beloved shots of awesome cloudage also!
Steve may be this Photoblog's owner but it is certainly 'Pickle' his gorgeous kitty who steals the show. It is almost as if we are seeing nature from this kitty's point of view. "Get ready to pounce on some great photo opportunities Dad! Let's go outside and play!"
The focus and close-up shots are incredible. Capturing the detail from the tiniest grain of pollen to the furry legs of a housefly. It's enough to make me want to toss my Oympus out the window!
Congratulations Steve and thank you for sharing your incredible shots with us. A big hearty thanks to Pickles also for contributing. -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 3:51 PM   |
Alaskan Photoblog |
"Photos from my travels around Alaska (and elsewhere) Digital photography - Canon S110 and S500 Film photography - Minolta XG-1 Scanner - Canon Canoscan 8400F "
Check out Tim's Photoblog from Anchorage, Alaska as well as his archived photos of gorgeous Churches, Alaskan Mountains to Florida Swamplands. Time slipping moments captured in people photography and many awesome aerial views.
My only complaint would be the absence of a "Next" or "Previous" link to help us better enjoy his fantastic photos of places and people. Even without - his amazing photos are worth the time and effort to search the archives for.
I'm having a hard time trying to pick a favorite to include next to Tim's review here but I seem to enjoy the chill and thrill of this snow covered camping spot! (featured photo) His black & whites are breathtaking and to view the snow topped mountains behind a spring seasoned green field with yellow flowers is truly a site to see. I have never been to Alaska and now after visiting Tim's site I am longing to go.
Beautiful work Tim and congratulations for being our next Mix-Pix winner! -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 2:53 PM   |
Tuesday, June 20, 2006 |
Capture This, Photoblog |
Here is a gorgeous Photoblog by Laurie. After 25 years and now that her kids are older, she has rediscovered the wonders of photography. She is new at digital photography so if any of our pros have any hints for her be sure to visit and pass them on! Although she is new, don't let that fool you - she has an eye for beauty and has captured the essence in many of her photos.
Her photos feature beautiful architecture, flowers and wildlife - wonderfully captured in a moment of time to keep forever. I'll will admit that I favor many of her photos because she is from my home state of NJ. Many of her wonderful scenery shots are of many of my favorite and mostly missed places.
Not to mention, she can capture CLOUDAGE! Yes, I love the many different aura's that we see in our heavens each day. Each morning we're awakened with an entire new picture. I absolutely love cloudage!! Even storm clouds.
Thank you Laurie for sharing your gorgeous shots and letting us see through your eyes the beauty in everything that you see. -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 8:53 PM   |
Jefery's PBlog |
Wow! I am floored by so many nominees already for the Photoblog contest that I better get on the ball. For our first winner allow me to introduce you to Photo Blogger Jefery from Malaysia and his awe inspiring photography.
His photos range from World Cup/sports themes and absolutely breathless flowers to animals and even his Sushi photo has me drooling and about to jump in my car to head over to Sakura's for my mouth watering Rainbow Roll.
And I just finished my supper about 2 hours ago!!!
Jefery works full time in his IT position and claims that Photography is his passion. A passion he does very well at. I also like how he subsidizes his photos with a little quirp underneath explaining his thoughts and angle for each photograph. Thank you Jefery for sharing your passion with us. -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 8:02 PM   |
Sunday, June 18, 2006 |
Dad's Who Blog |
Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's who participated in our "Dad's Who Blog" contest. Here is a list of our winners:
Thanks to all and here's to a Great Dad's Day for all of our wonderful Dads. Make sure to stop by and visit them if you haven't already. |
posted by Margaret @ 10:50 AM   |
Saturday, June 17, 2006 |
Mix Pix Photo Blog Awards |
There are many "Photo Blogs" out in the blogosphere and I would like to recognize the Photographer's talents here at Mix-Pix Awards. From photos of nature, travel, family and abstract shots we would love to see your work!
To Enter the Contest or to nominate a site; please email me at or simply fill out the form on the right sidebar.
Please be sure to include the web address to the blog being submitted.
Entrees will be judged in a positive light on content and design.
Contest ends: "Sunday - July 15, 2006."
Winners will be given a "Mix Pix Photo Blogger Award" and recognition here and throughout the blogosphere. Amateur Photographers and bloggers encouraged to apply! |
posted by Margaret @ 3:04 PM   |
Cynical Dad |
"Proof my children will be using their college funds for therapy."
Here is a fun Daddy blog by not your typical but your Cynical Dad! A SAHD of 2, humorously blogging his thoughts concerning his everyday Daddy experiences. Leaving no thought out but instead letting it all out in his hilarious cynical fashion.
For example this Dad asks regarding Birthday Parties: "Why do we spend so much money on automobiles and car seats with high safety ratings, helmets, and pads for every joint on their body, yet have no problem placing a flaming piece of pastry mere inches from our children's faces?"
He sneaks in "Quickies" while the kids are napping. Meaning a blog posting of course, although I sneak in quickies during Squirt's nap also and blogging has not a thing to do with it. I swear, she is determined to ensure that she remains our only child.
I love your blogging style and thanks for keeping it real. Here's to wishing you a very eventful Father's Day. -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 2:29 PM   |
Pole's Position |
"One man's first-time journey into parenthood."
With Father's Day less than a day away, just in the nick of time comes this nominee for our contest. A new parent on the scene as he struggles with teething and a son who wakes up before his Morning DJ on his alarm clock.
Everyday brings this Dad new discoveries and experiences that he has never met before! This blog is a wonderful read for all of the Dad's and Mom's out there who have been there. It is guaranteed to bring back many memories.
Speaking of memories be sure to visit back to October when becoming a Dad became reality in this anxious, exhilarating and amazed post remembering the day his son was born. I have yet to meet a new Dad who found the delivery room all what he expected it would be. Birth Days are and always have been full of many surprises.
Great blogging Dad and a wonderful way to keep all of your memories and moments of this wonderful time in your life. Have a great Father's Day, your first of many! -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 12:20 PM   |
Wednesday, June 14, 2006 |
At Home Daddy |
"Documenting the daily events of a Stay-At-Home-Dad, The Boss Lady, Our 2 Kids, 2 Cats and a Big White Dog"
Alfred Hitchcock may have been on to something for here we have another nominated Dad getting dive-bombed by a ruffled-feathered-momma-bird. If you can discourage the mockingbird to move to another apartment, do so as soon as possible. Trust me on this, they return year after year and will bring you misery and sleepless nights.
This Dad is hip and talks in TLA's. (That is Three Letter Acronyms for all our non-hip readers out there.) Not new to the Blogosphere this Dad has been blogging for 2 years and it is charming and delightful to read back and watch his little ones grow up. To watch even Dad grow up or rather into his role as a SAHD is also just as delightful.
Great Blogging Dad and I can't wait to read what presents Father's Day will bring you. -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 10:40 PM   |
I'm Not a Slacker |
"Notes from a guy who didn't outsource parenting."
For our next Mix-Pix Award allow me to introduce you to our next Dad who blogs. In between fixing his server he is chasing his little guy throughout the house. Hang in there Dad, he'll be right by your side fixing your servers and writing his own code in no time.
In the midst of switching from the crib to Big Boy Bed this Dad is finding out what freedom means to a 2 year old. Two suggestions Dad: 1) A hook & eye latch on his door placed high for your benefit. 2) A webcam set-up in the little guy's room to keep an eye out for him. Sure, it is a tad bit Big Brotherish but I guarantee you'll capture some great footage in the months to come.
Be sure not to miss this Dad's "Dumbass Parent of the Day" submissions.
Congratulations to "I'm Not a Slacker" and here's hoping you have a terrific Dad's Day. -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 10:01 PM   |
Sunday, June 11, 2006 |
Darth Daddy |
"My world turned upside down when I became a dad - and I never realized that it was upside wrong until then."
Meet Darth Daddy a hilarious blog by an equally hilarious Dad - letting off the steam, the laughter and all of the wonders that Fatherhood brings.
The title of this blog even made me chuckle. If my husband and I are blessed to have another child and if it is a boy - his name will be Luke. Why? Because we like the name but Dad really wants to be able to say, "Luke, I am your father." (What a nut!)
This Dad is hilarious, oh but I mentioned that already didn't I? His writings are complimented with many pictures of moments that can't be missed and brings the blog to life. He is also a realist and won't stop to blog only about those special moments but those frustrating moments that fall into every parents life every so often as well. Well - in my situation, sometimes more often than not. But, that is life with a 3 year old for you.
A big hearty thanks Darth Daddy for the laughs this morning. Here's hoping you have a wonderful Father's Day and watch out for that Dive Bombing bird! -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 10:14 AM   |
Silly Dad |
"A Blog dedicated to the Stay at Home Dad."
We've all heard about Stay at Home Moms yet many seem to have misgivings over the notion of Stay at Home Dads. Don't! Today if you have kids and especially if #5 is on the way - keeping Dad home while Mom heads off to work can be a wise and economical decision. Daycare costs can be excruciating and much of the time the cost is in line with the quality of care given to your children.
Running a household takes teamwork and in itself there are many positions to be filled. Now I'll grant those readers out there who are skeptical one point, that not everyone is fit to be a stay at home parent. This goes for women just as much as it goes for men. Take the popular sitcom "Married with Children" if Peg Bundy was the shoe salesperson and Al remained at home. The entire situation would had been portrayed quite differently. Although I suspect, still a bit dysfunctional for our entertainment purposes.
This Dad's blog provides a guidebook and journal of his efforts and his shining results as an example for anyone who falls into a Stay at Home Parent position. Amazing, this Dad can take his kids out on a fishing trip - it rains, yet they still have a ball as revealed by the pictures of their smiling faces. Here is a great Dad folks and a great wife/mom behind the scenes. Happy Father's Day "Silly Dad!" -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 10:07 AM   |
Wednesday, June 07, 2006 |
Chocolate Makes it Better |
My first thought after reading the title of this Dad's Blog, was "Whoa there, hold on Nelly! Chocolate is something only women know anything about." However as this blog implies, "When you've got kids, chocolate helps you cope."
As I sit here this afternoon with this review, I can say the same and give praise to afternoon naptime! Now if only I can squeeze in a nap.
This Dad is currently taking a little blogging break and perfectly understandable as blogging alone can be a full-time job. Raising kids also and that is why this is a "Dad Blog" that is a pleasure to read. You'll laugh out loud reading the "The difference between boys and girls" and you'll wince in jealousy after reading what an easy time this Dad is having in the potty training department.
His template is easy on the eyes and the blog easy to navigate. Don't let his profile photo mislead you, this Aussie Dad has admitted that he is going bald at age 27. Never fear Dad, you still own those disappearing hair follicles, they merely moved south to add character and texture to your shoulders, back and butt-cheeks.
Any guesses to what this Dad would like for Father's Day? Besides a Mix-Pix award - I suspect a box of chocolates may do the trick! Happy Dad's Day Fellow Chocoholic! -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 8:03 PM   |
Saturday, June 03, 2006 |
Under My Wheels |
If you can't read Spanish, find a translator because this is a Dad blog you wouldn't want to miss. Here's a Dad from Spain who flew to Miami, Florida and jumped upon a Harley Davidson to drive coast to coast (and planning to drive back) with his Sweetheart.
If you are into riding or if you'd just like to read about a Dad finally doing what he dreamed of doing all of his life go and take a peek! According to the Map this Dad started from Miami and to date is enjoying the stay at the Grand Canyon. A site even I have yet to see and can't wait for the opportunity.
Great Going Papa! The best thing of all to teach our children is that life is all about living. Dare to dream and make those dreams come true. Go get 'em Dad! -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 7:31 PM   |
Friday, June 02, 2006 |
Life as Dad to Donor Insemination (DI) Kids |
"I'm a guy who learned a short time before I was to be married that my lifetime goal of becoming a father was slim if not impossible. But now due to medical science, a donor, and a couple of maxed out credit cards we have two beautiful kids. "
Here is a very refreshing and informative blog regarding Dads of Donor Insemination Kids. As many of my readers know, I suffered from infertility for well over 12 years. Part of the cause being the surgical removal of my left ovary and fallopian tube. My chances of conceiving were also slim to none, but miraculously I became pregnant with my precious little girl at the age of 35.
Couples discouraged with infertility have a variety of choices and each decision comes with risks, concerns, debates and many other issues. This Dad offers an informative site and provides peace of mind and support for all concerned with infertility issues and the choices a couple have made.
A big round of applause for this proud Daddy! Wishing you and yours all of the best and a very happy Father's Day. -Mix |
posted by Margaret @ 4:06 PM   |
Thursday, June 01, 2006 |
Acoustic Dad |
From the Blue Mountains of Australia comes our next Mix-Pix nominee. A proud father, loving husband and an admittedly aspiring web-geek. Oh but don't let all of the tech-talk fool you folks, in between this Dad takes his turn on bragging rights over his gorgeous little girl. Who has been teething recently by the way. (Poor Dad, getting any sleep yet?)
Despite the teething aspect she's quite a lucky little girl! Her daddy can strum the guitar and she'll be tapping her toes and singing along in no time. "Twinkle, twinkle little star" is also my daughter's favorite. Word to the wise, don't buy her a electronic drum set just yet... we made that mistake and now I must buy stock in headache medicine.
This proud Daddy is full of charm and a very entertaining read. Happy Father's Day Dad and thanks for participating! -Mix
posted by Margaret @ 5:57 PM   |